AEM Forms Forum

Q: CRXDE Access for the Advanced Adaptive Forms courses

I am using the SmartDoc Sandbox to work on the advanced adaptive forms courses. I need to create a Client Library in the apps folder of CRXDE to store my JavaScript functions and custom CSS Class Selectors. However, I do not have permissions on the SmartDoc Sandbox to create folders in the apps directory. When I try to create a folder, I get this message: Could not save changes. Received 403 (Forbidden) for saving changes in workspace crx.default. Access denied. Can you create a folder for me with the proper Access properties to complete the course Client Libraries?, 2022-04-06 11:31:35

jp@smartdoctech.comcommented:April 06th, 2022

Hi Gert, This has been a problem in the past because we are balancing functionality (i.e. access) with security (i.e. no CRX access). Let’s try it again. I set up a new CRXDE access group and added you as a member. This should provide all the access you need to CRXDE on the SmartDoc Sandbox server. Let me know if this works for you. Thanks.


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